Community-Based: Activities: by being nearest to the beneficiaries and guaranteeing their participation. All activities are conducted on the village level; beneficiaries are involved in all activities from the planning through implementation to the evaluation.
Work in Partnership: to ensure community ownership and program sustainability, Umuhuza values collaboration with beneficiaries and all other stakeholders.
Design for Sustainability: The Organization plans on a long-term basis; our programs are in alignment with national policies which lends to strengthening communities and enabling them to maintain the program outcomes.
Working Areas:
Our areas of interventions expanded from one sector of Ngororero District at the beginning to all 426 sectors in 2016 to 2019 under SCOPE Mureke Dusome, a USAID funded project. Up to date, Umuhuza is working in 12 Districts across the country: Nyamasheke, Nyanza, Nyabihu, Burera,Gasabo, Rulindo, Kicukiro, Nyarugenge, Rwamagana, Ngoma, Kayonza and Ruhango.